Thursday, August 14, 2014

Another Jump - joined the M.Tech. programme at NIT Hamirpur

Hi, this is been a long time, since I have posted here. How have you been?
I came in to post a new update from my life events. After getting a graduate degree in Civil Engineering from NIT Hamirpur in April 2009, on 11th August 2014 I again joined the college for another degree .

In the last 5 years, I have worked as a Civil Engineer with 2 different 'Ltd.' construction companies, and as a lecturer with 3 different Engineering Institutes in Himachal Pradesh.

When I look back, it looks a bumpy ride, with many other joyful moments in between. I have built the sense and feeling of being independent in my own ways, such as in the matters of finances and relationships. Reason why I feel independent is that I set the boundaries for myself and I follow them.
Standing by the side of the Admin Block NIT Hamirpur  - clicked on 11th August 2014

I would love to continue my teaching and writing profession, that is the reason that I have chosen another higher degree in Civil Engineering. Its going to be in "Geotechnical Engineering and underground Structures".

Since my last days of stay at the institution in the year 2009, NIT Hamirpur infrastructure has gone a lot of improvements . The Administrative block looks more attractive in many ways, nos. of hostels has been constructed and are in serving conditions, and nos. of departmental buildings has been added to the map of the NIT Hamirpur Infracture.

In terms of faculty members, I think this is a good thing that the older faculty is still working in Civil Engineering department, because experience matters a lot and if they keep upgrading with the new information and knowledge, which they surely have been doing, there is nothing better I can get.

This surely is gonna be an exciting time for the next two years, I am planning to continue the write up of my next eBook, which is on the habit of 'Smoking and Drinking'. I will share with you the story of a man, who got rid of this habit to make his life more beautiful and meaningful.

If you have not checked my last eBook, please go to the following link ' Everyday Battle with the Paruresis aka Shy Bladder'. Not a bestselling yet, but yes the book actually is doing the business and that is really a big boost for me to write more and more for you.

Thanks to everyone who has wished me good luck, I hope you will keep the love coming.


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